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What’s New?

Market Update: July 2024 – Increased Home Sales, More Choices for Buyers

July 2024 was an active month for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) real estate market, with home sales rising compared to the same period last year. Buyers in the GTA had even more new listings to choose from, giving them a wider range of options and a bit more negotiating power. This better-supplied market also […]

Toronto’s Rental Market: A Small, But Noteworthy, Dip

If you’ve been following the real estate news lately, you’ve probably heard that rents in Canada are still on the rise: but the speed of that increase is starting to slow down. As a Toronto realtor, I’m here to break down what this means for you, whether you’re renting, looking to buy, or considering an […]

There Are Some Great Condo Deals in Toronto!

If you’re thinking about buying a condo in Toronto, now is a fantastic time. The condo market in Toronto is oversaturated with condos for sale meaning there are soooo many great deals available – its just a matter of finding them and recognizing them. I’m here to help you navigate the Toronto condo market and […]

New Initiative for Yonge and Sheppard Neighbours

Embracing Community Spirit: A New Initiative for Yonge and Sheppard Neighbours As a dedicated realtor in the vibrant Yonge and Sheppard neighbourhood, I am thrilled to share some exciting news that reflects our community’s spirit and generosity. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of the simple joys that come from connecting with […]

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Info For Buyers & Sellers

Toronto Condos | Pre Construction or Re-sale

When it comes to purchasing a condo unit, many of my buyer clients ask me which is the better choice, buying a resale or pre-construction unit. The difference between the two being that one already physically exists and the other one does not. Deciding which route to take depends on a few factors such as […]

First Time Buyers |Toronto Real Estate

In today’s economy, owning a home in Toronto has become a more affordable option than ever before. With longer amortization periods and with access to programs such as the 5% Down Program buying a home is not as daunting of a task as it may seem. If you are currently renting in Toronto, compare your […]

Things to Consider When Buying a Condo

Condos have become a popular form of real estate ownership in Toronto especially among first time home buyers. Not only do condos tend to be the most affordable option for home ownership in central Toronto but they also offer a low maintenance lifestyle. What is a Condo anyways and what should be considered when purchasing […]

Pre Construction Condos | Selling Assignments

A common question raised during the pre construction process is assignments. For those who are not familiar with assignments, it is simply a sales contract entered into by two parties at an earlier date. It is essentially a transfer of the right to purchase that property from the original purchaser to a new purchaser prior […]

Tips on How to Sell Your Home Quickly!

When selling your home, it is extremely important to show your home at its potential. Here are a few simple things you can do to increase the attractiveness of your home to potential buyers while still keeping within a budget. Some of these items are do-it yourself projects and some require the help of a […]

Using a Realtor VS For Sale By Owner

In the real estate industry we call home owners that market their property for sale on their own FSBO’s or aka For Sale by Owners. The obvious main goal of a FSBO is to save money on real estate commissions. In the past few years we have seen more For Sale By Owners in the Toronto area, especially in the lower price […]

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