When it comes to purchasing a condo unit, many of my buyer clients ask me which is the better choice, buying a resale or pre-construction unit. The difference between the two being that one already physically exists and the other one does not. Deciding which route to take depends on a few factors such as […]
Buying Pre Construction Real Estate
Buying a pre-construction has many advantages. The first advantage being choice. Buying from the builder allows you to have more choice when it comes to the selecting the floor plan/layout and the location of the condo unit in the building. Finishes and decor are also a feature you are able to customize at this time. […]
Why Use a Realtor to Purchase Pre Construction
One of the most common questions raised when looking to purchase a pre-construction condo is whether to use the expertise of a realtor. Sales representatives at new home sales offices are indeed licensed realtors but as a buyer should you have your own representative? It is in my opinion that using your own realtor is […]
The Process of Buying a Condo
Purchasers, first-time home buyers especially, generally lack the knowledge to determine what they can afford when it comes to buying Toronto real estate and how the purchasing process actually works. Here is a step by step guide on how the condo purchase process works: 1) Start by getting pre-approved by your bank or a mortgage […]
Things to Consider When Buying a Condo
Condos have become a popular form of real estate ownership in Toronto especially among first time home buyers. Not only do condos tend to be the most affordable option for home ownership in central Toronto but they also offer a low maintenance lifestyle. What is a Condo anyways and what should be considered when purchasing […]
Tips on How to Sell Your Home Quickly!
When selling your home, it is extremely important to show your home at its potential. Here are a few simple things you can do to increase the attractiveness of your home to potential buyers while still keeping within a budget. Some of these items are do-it yourself projects and some require the help of a […]
Land Transfer Tax
In the city of Toronto, there are two taxes that are applied to a real estate purchase. The Toronto Land Transfer Tax: Put into place just last February (’08), this tax is levied only on real estate purchased in central Toronto. If an agreement of purchase and sale was entered into before December 31, 07 […]
First Time Buyers |Toronto Real Estate
In today’s economy, owning a home in Toronto has become a more affordable option than ever before. With longer amortization periods and with access to programs such as the 5% Down Program buying a home is not as daunting of a task as it may seem. If you are currently renting in Toronto, compare your […]